New Landscaping at Our Residential Properties_TAWANI Property Management_Chicago

Oksana Schak

TAWANI Property Management knows that landscaping maintenance can make a world of difference for any property’s décor. With summer just around the corner, we decided to spruce up some of the landscaping at our Farcroft and Alef Park buildings!

To aid in making a space feel complete, it is important to choose the right plants, shrubbery and tress for the property. At Alef Park, we’ve added a beautiful planter with flowers of various shades of purple by the entrance for a beautiful pop of colorful curb appeal.

To enhance its timeless elegance, the landscaping in front of Farcroft Park includes various shrubs, trees and golden planters with a variety of seasonal flowers.

We look forward to the warmer seasons and all the beauty our foliage will bring this year!
